Have you even had an afternoon off (yeah right!), looked forward to some quiet reading time and been overwhelmed by the shelves full of thick novels, success books and hi-tech, how-to manuals? All you wanted was a light read and a glass of wine.  BloodhoundBlog is sometimes a bit like that shelf.  So much hi-tech content and cutting edge theory designed to help you improve, yet – and I can not speak for anyone else – sometimes a little low-tech advice is just what the doctor ordered.

The Little Voice 
By the end of a long week in this business of ours, you can be pretty tired. This week ended on a particularly poor note for me as one of my fellow tri club members was fatally attacked by a Great White Shark during a morning group swim.  The real estate market is especially volatile and change is afoot.  At times like this it can be helpful to reflect on your goals and your expectations.  Pay particular attention, as you fine-tune those objectives and create your strategies, to that little voice in your head. You know the one: the voice that pops up and tells you some of your goals may be a little too lofty. That slight feeling of negativity that creeps up and quietly suggests you should perhaps… think about… maybe considering… possibly… revising that weight loss target – or the number of closed transactions for the year. It is the voice of doubt that tells you more deals would be a better goal for next year; after all, this year is going to be a tough year. As a matter of fact, this voice inside suggests, just getting through the rest of the year without weight gain will be accomplishment enough. Spend more time with family? Start that blog? Lose weight? “Why don’t we save the truly aggressive goals for next year, when we are more prepared” is the very logical compromise often proffered by the little ‘helper’ inside us all.

Learning to Fly 
The thing to remember as you review your plan is this: the little voice is not real and the only limitation you have is the limitation you put on Read more