There’s always something to howl about.

Blogging other Realtor’s listings: Selling houses by selling history, details, ideas, lifestyle — selling the story of the home

I was in an historic home on Monday that made me think it had been built by an important home-builder in the very early days of the suburbanization of Phoenix. With the permission of the lister, I went back yesterday and took dozens of photos of the property.

I built an engenu web site for 718 West Moreland Street, then I wrote a weblog post summarizing the web site.

My primary interest, to be honest, was simply to document the home in its current pre-furbed condition. But, if by telling a plausible back-story about the home I can bring it a buyer who will give it the love it needs and deserves, either through me or directly through the listing agent, so much the better.

We’re interested in real estate. We’re interested in engaging people who are interested in real estate. Not to beat a dead horse to a bloody pulp, but it seems reasonable to me that blogging about real estate is a laudable way to achieve our weblogging objectives.

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