If you follow me on Facebook, you will see me briefly post-mortem Closed listings, as in the image above. Everything matters – on Day Zero – but those two little boxes tell the final tale on everything: As a house is marketed, so does it sell, which is from Proverbs, sort of.

But I can do so much more. Working from the full listing, I can show people what helped, what hurt and why those strategies and tactics produced the ultimate result.

So let’s play a game. You send me the MLS number or street address of your Closed, Expired or Cancelled residential listing in Sun City, and I will post-mortem the entire marketing strategy in detail here.

All secrets kept, yours and the agents’. We’re talking about ideas, not individual people or specific homes.

But I know a lot about why houses do and do not sell quickly, for top-dollar, so when you play Post-Mortem My Listing with me, everybody wins.

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