There’s always something to howl about.

Newspapers are here to stay: I read all about it on-line

From the Wall Street Journal On-line (you can’t make this stuff up):

Even a 30-inch screen can’t match the readability of what cheaply spits out of a printing press. I really believe that the copy protection mechanism for newspapers is their consumer interface, in the form of ink spurted on newsprint.

The author then runs down the litany of new technologies that will bust up the electronic media oligopoly, all seemingly without understanding that print is already on the other side of that hump.

The ultimate argument: Print will triumph because it shackles end-users in a prison of atoms. Print is better because it is user-hostile. You can’t copy it. You can’t extract from it and blog about it, as I am doing here. You can’t share it with a friend except in the same way you might share a communicable disease.

Breathe deep, pal. There’s a clue in the air. If you’re very lucky, you just might catch it.

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