There’s always something to howl about.

Overnight News: CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

“How can you tell the country is not being torn apart by rioting? Because Joe Biden is just fine!”

Sorry if I seem to be beating a dead horse, but the refusal of the “real estate industry” to admit the existence of the riots while writing all about their secondary consequences is my kind of fun. Hypocrisy abounds, alas, but hypocrisy on high is especially comical. The scum who presume to “lead” us have their homes and headquarters in the riot zones – could they be gaslighting the world until they can sell out? – yet somehow they purport to be amazed that urban counties are bleeding, suburban counties are bulging and moving vans are unobtainable. Jeepers! How’d that happen?

What’s the trick to assimilating the news – all news, not just real estate news? Read everything that seems worthwhile – and assume that everything you read is lying to you in ways you may not suspect. Certainly every story written about real estate results right now is lying, since none of them will admit to the impact – or even the existence – of the rioting.

United States Department of Justice: Department Of Justice Identifies New York City, Portland And Seattle As Jurisdictions Permitting Violence And Destruction Of Property. Riots!?! Who knew?!

Redfin: Affordable Areas Outside Big Cities Are Heating Up the Fastest As the Pandemic Changes Homebuyers’ Priorities. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

Forbes: What’s Causing Home Prices To Skyrocket – Low Rates Or Wanting More Space? CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

Housing Wire: Homeowners gain over $620 billion in equity in second quarter. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

CNBC: Home equity surges as demand soars and mortgage rates hover near lows. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

CNBC: Millions can’t pay rent. Landlords making less than $50,000 a year are caught in the middle.

MarketWatch: The COVID-19 lockdown is squeezing real estate from all sides and threatens to burst the housing and mortgage bubble.

The Federalist: Aftershocks Of Summer Riots Are Making Kenosha Scared To Rebuild.

The Ohio Star: NYU Prof Says More Than 20 Percent of Universities Could Fail Because of the Lockdowns.

City Journal: The Nemeses of Cities.

Yahoo News: How a ‘Hillbilly Brigade’ saved an Oregon town from raging wildfires.

City Journal: Covid and the Condition of New York City.

Daily Mial: America is facing ‘time-bomb’ explosion of millions of ‘super pigs’ that can reproduce at just three months old, grow up to 400lbs and destroy thousands of square miles of farms and livestock. There may be a civil war coming, but there will be bacon…