Ya think it's easy?

“Fortune favors the brave? Fortune favors the well-prepared? My motto is: ‘You never can tell.’ Accordingly: Fortune favors the audacious!”

I closed a house yesterday – I’m bragging about it just below – so I refuse to despair. Life is luck, ab initio, and we can hope we will be lucky enough to make it past Election Day…

Yesterday on BloodhoundBlog:

Greg Swann: A Bloodhound’s fish story: $10k over list, $15k over market, 23 days total – and the seller’s total pre-market outlay was $257.50. It’s easy to forget this fact in our piles of self-important paperwork, but real estate representation is selling.

And in the harsh, cold, cruel world outside:

Forbes: Housing Affordability Inches Down, Despite Record-Low Mortgage Rates. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

CNBC: Earnings for apartment owners show the pain of urban flight. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

CNBC: There was a surprise drop in September home sales as buyers were priced out. CTRL-F ‘riot’; not found.

Housing Wire: Zillow Offers cuts 80 jobs, cites realignment. Another cry of financial pain? That’s usually what layoffs mean. But this could be an SJW purge – ditching the freethinkers. Expect a lot of this as corporations are taken over from within by Critical Theory Marxists recruited en masse from America’s “elite” universities Marxism factories. Was I to guess, I might suppose they are losing the people they hired with actual real life real estate experience. iBuyers in general seem committed to making every error ever made in real estate; experienced people ruin all the fun.

PJ Media: Joe Biden Pandering to the AFL-CIO Will Impact Millions of American Freelancers.

RedState: The War on Independent Contractors is a War on Working Women and Families.

Matt Taibbi: The media — and social media — drive to squelch information a menace no matter who wins election.

Matt Taibbi: Glenn Greenwald On His Resignation From The Intercept.

Hollywood in Toto: ‘Plot Against the President’ Shames Media, Deep State Agents. Not really a date-night movie, but it’s free on Prime.