Ya think it's easy?

“I don’t know what a ‘chimneydown’ is, but I don’t want Santa or the Pedophile-Elect coming anywhere near one.”

Jason Childs from The Federalist opines below, but I think the all time worst Christmas song is “Happy Holiday/The Holiday Season,” first made famous by Andy Williams.

Every writer knows what’s wrong with that song: It was phoned in. The lyrics were slammed out on deadline, and the shit that shipped was the sad state of affairs when the deadline hit. The lyrics are simply awful, almost dadaesque in their scansion-cramming scat contraptions. I don’t dare link to it for fear I’ll earworm you for months.

And who is credited as the writer of this atrocity? Irving Berlin. Caveat auditor.

[Amending this. Irving Berlin’s chorus from “Happy Holidays” was ripped off and ruined by Kay Thompson to make the double-named abortion that is ever yet coming down the chimneydown.]

Housing Wire: iBuyer purchase volume sank 82% YoY in Q3. There’s a whole lotta blood in Pinocchio’s nose…

City Journal: Blue State, Red Tape: California is shedding residents and businesses.

Brian Boero: Friday Flash: A giant fight. Useless headline, and the pundit thinks he’s being provocative. But I already do better without ARMLS on rental listings. I much prefer the Realty.bots, because I want to meet everyone we lease to, anyway. If I can’t get the NAR to set me free, I will move my resale listings off of the MLS as well. If I can still deliver the goods (with no buyer’s agent’s commission to pay), I lose nothing, but every other agent loses my listings.

City Journal: Hard-Nosed Economist, Generous Soul: Walter E. Williams, 1936–2020.

Townhall: Worthless Heirs.

The Federalist: Top 5 Worst Christmas Song Lyrics Ever.