Ya think it's easy?

“If your spouse leaves you, you get the benefit of the doubt. If your dog leaves you, you’re irredeemable.”

Kelli Ward was reelected as the Grand Poobah of the Arizona Republican Party last night. Local news with national importance: Against heavy opposition from the Cindy McCain wing of the Deep State, pro-Trump forces retain control of the state party. That argues that we may see electoral reform over the next two years.

I don’t know that it’s possible to get out of this mess without bloodshed, but, if it is, we need electoral reform in every state – by legislation where possible, by Federal civil rights suits in Marxist strongholds.

In other news:

Zero Hedge: People In These Five States Say ‘Get Me Outta Here’.

OutKick: Jeff Bezos, Amazon Refuting Mail-in Votes For Unionization.

Charles Hurt: Charles Hurt: Trump Feared More Now Than Ever.

Salena Zito: Why the US Hispanic conservative movement is surging.

American Thinker: ‘Moving on from President Trump’ is a Failing Strategy for the GOP.

Matt Taibbi: The Echo Chamber Era: Trust in media is down, but if journalists don’t listen to critics anyway, why should they care?