Ya think it's easy?

“Je suis Charlie Hebdo. Spartacus, too.”

We are mad, and we are intolerant only of those who call us mad. The actual news of the day consists of briefly vanishing truths instantly smothered under the Hissy-Fit Veto – the hysterical version of the Heckler’s Veto.

Don’t believe me? Tucker Carslon made the factual observation that the military’s effeminization and war-fighting are incompatible objectives. This is obviously so, so of course the armed forces declared war – “Mean Girls” style – on Carlson. Now he’ll never be Prom King.

Here is an obvious truth, one so easy to understand you need six-figures’ worth of student debt to miss it: Fertile women ought not be put in peril.

We say “women and children first” but the purpose of civilization is children. We can tell we are at war with ourselves – with our undeniable natural identity as organisms – by how much we are at war with that simple fact.

A woman in combat is not as stupid as a man in a birthing chair, but both are obvious misapplications of limited resources. But while a man dying in combat loses one life, when a fertile woman is a casualty of war, she takes legions with her: Her eggs, of course, but also the family she won’t have, the investment that family would have made in the future, and all the children and grandchildren never to come…

All lost because we are mad – and in our madness desperate to cease to exist.

In other news:

Michael Totten: Leaving Portland.

FEE.org: Target Announces It’s Abandoning Its Minneapolis Headquarters. Here’s Why It’s No Surprise.

Kay Hymowitz: There Goes the Neighborhood School.

Daniel Payne: One year later: A look back at inaccurate projections that helped drive COVID lockdowns.

Joy Pullman: 5 Ways To Use ‘Stimulus’ Hush Money To Fight Democrats’ Plans For Your Serfdom.

Salena Zito: The culture curators want to think for you.

Conrad Black: A Kingdom of the Anti-American Elite: Joe Biden, a man who 34 percent of Americans think is not sufficiently mentally alert for his office, is presiding amiably over a regime infested with anti-American forces.