Ya think it's easy?

“If you have to be told, ‘Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,’ you’re not fit to be a dog.”

If you buy a Coke every time you go through a drive-through or hit the convenience store, you’re drinking a lot of coke. You may have to figure out what to eat, but you always know how you’ll be washing it down.

Coke spends a ton of money on marketing and advertising – with every other marketing budget being a mere fraction of Coca-Cola-Incorporated’s spend. And yet they are spending nothing to get your business. You have probably cost them nothing all along, since you were ordering Coke when you did drive-throughs from the back seat.

You are theirs by habit, and, accordingly, you are the bankable part of their business. The marketing seeks conversion and retention, neither of which are needed to keep your money flowing in.

What is needed? Zero interruptions in the habituated behavior. Steady customers are yours for their reasons, not yours. If you piss them off, they will go away and never come back, taking five to twenty-five cash sales a week with them – each.

As if anyone had to be told, that is why pissing off the customer is a poor idea: You won’t even know for sure why they were doing business with you until they’re gone.

In other news:

The Daily Wire: Black-Owned Businesses At George Floyd Square Beg For Help Amid Spiking Crime, Nosediving Revenue.

The New York Post: Are NYPD officers rushing to retire amid city’s anti-cop climate?

Townhall.com: Woke Democrats Broke American Cities.

John Hinderaker: Why Wind and Solar Energy Are Doomed to Failure.