Ya think it's easy?

“Only the very wisest of choices are promoted by sweepstakes.”

The wealth of a nation, ultimately, is its net productivity per head. One hyper-productive person like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk makes everyone richer, even those who produce nothing, even those who are a net drain on productivity. Every better mousetrap enriches everyone whose costs are thereby reduced.

So I come to you this Sunday with a homily of hope: Working from home will have liberated the most productive minds in our economy from the crippling bonds of corporate ineptitude. Yes, the money supply is soaring, but if the last year percolated enough great new ideas, we might-could outrun the brigands yet.

Likewise, the blatant corporate shunning of white, male, straight and unwoke job candidates could spur blindingly brilliant entrepreneurial responses.

Power emerges from the barrel of a gun? Aimed at whom, precisely, comrade? Denouncing virtue as vice does not make vice virtue, but the Grasshoppers chasing the Ants out of firing range may turn out to be a boon full of boons, economically.

In other news:

The Los Angeles Times: Home prices are going through the roof. Millennials piling into the market is one big driver.

Daniel Greenfield: The Richest Homeless in the World.

Greg Lukianoff: Answers to 12 Bad Anti-Free Speech Arguments: Featuring That XKCD Cartoon Everyone Likes to Quote!

Andrew Sullivan: Removing The Bedrock Of Liberalism: What the “Critical Race Theory” debate is really about.

Roger Kimball: Paying the price of free speech: The union of fragility and intolerance has given us that curious and malevolent hybrid I have called the crybully.