Ya think it's easy?

“Old dog? New tricks? Nothing to it. But an adult dog who wasn’t house-trained as a puppy? Good luck with that…”

The war on Thirteen Privilege continues.

The current target is Latin and Greek at Princeton. The official pretext is that academic excellence makes the black students look bad – in many of the same ways that organized athletics makes the lazy students look bad. The actual objective is to rob virtue of its incentives. The ultimate outcome will be more surgical deaths, among many other disasters.

Why disasters? Because the purpose of excellence is excellence. We study Classical languages not to be Classicists, voted least likely ever to be able to repay a student loan, but to train the mind – especially the memory.

To be a Latinist is to walk the Earth with a surer stride, but to study Latin or Attic Greek at 13 is to be a god, academically, by 18 or 24. For Classicists and concert musicians and surgeons, what you were doing at age 13 matters everything – and the gains made in those tweenage years are very hard to make up for later.

We don’t make war on excellence in sports, yet, but hide and watch. Marxism is at war with all of goodness, all of virtue, all of the wisdom that keeps us alive. The current race jive is just a pretext, like the starving proletarians and the sweat-drenched environment before them. The goal is the destruction of the thing in human beings that makes them strive for better.

And that’s why they want to get ’em while they’re young…

In other news:

CNBC: Millions of Americans could face eviction as housing protection expires in June.

KTLA News: California eyes shuttered shopping malls, big box retail stores for new affordable housing. It’s amazing how many times the taxpayers discover an urgent need to overpay for underperforming commercial real estate. It’s almost as if that’s what government is really for: Discovering untold opportunities precisely where your wife’s brother lost everything.

Just the News: Tale of two economies: Red states roaring, blue states beset by high unemployment.

Chuck DeVore: New Poll Finds All Those People Moving To Texas Aren’t Going To Be Voting For Democrats.

The National Review: Princeton Removes Greek, Latin Requirement for Classics Majors to Combat ‘Systemic Racism’.

City Journal: Free the Entrepreneurs: The key to post-Covid recovery is lifting restraints to new business creation.

Joy Pullmann: Homeschooling Skyrocketed In 2020, As Much As 700 Percent In Some States.