There’s always something to howl about.

Arizonans too dumb to come in from the rain . . .

Oh, wait. That can’t be right. There’s no rain. But people in Arizona are much too dumb to appreciate a really good load of slush on a pot-holed freeway — except they don’t call them freeways in the lands where the slush flows. Here’s one thing that’s certain: Those sun-fried Zonies don’t have the sense it takes to live where taxes are high and birth rates are low. What could they be thinking…?

I’m always happy to trumpet the news when Arizona turns up first on lists for in-migration, business formation, job creation, etc., so — fair is fair — today comes news of a study that claims that Arizona is the dumbest state in the Union.

The top five? Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and Maine.

Are you sensing a trend here? You might think that it’s amazingly bad weather that makes a state smart, but then why New Jersey and not New Hampshire. Could it be that low taxes makes even an otherwise ideal state stupid?

Not to worry. The standard that determines how smart or dumb a state is is how friendly or unfriendly that state is to unionized school-teachers. And by that standard, Arizona is not the “dumbest” state in the Union — more’s the pity . . .

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