It’s deja vu all over again at the Arizona Republic. Magazine names Willo district one of top cottage communities it says in Wednesday’s paper:

They’re busting their buttons in the downtown Phoenix neighborhood of Willo.

Cottage Living magazine has named the historic district as one of the “Top 10 Cottage Communities in America.”

A profile of the neighborhood, generally bounded by Central and Seventh avenues and Thomas and McDowell roads, will appear in the July/August 2006 issue of the national publication.

Great news. Trouble is, it’s old news. The same article ran in the paper on June 30th.

Oh, what the heck. Even if it’s a twice-told tale, it’s still a great story:

“Places with charming architecture, where you can skip the car and stroll to locally owned shops and restaurants; places where neighbors know your name and are happy to have a cookout on Friday evening,” [Cottage Living Editor in Chief Eleanor Griffin] said. “Willo boasts crisply manicured lawns and small, doted-on houses of all types – it’s definitely a charming community of tight-knit residents.”