There’s always something to howl about.

From Rotating Careers To Gold Fish Johns

Though always searching for cool real estate blogs, once you’ve been looking for awhile the nuggets are discovered much less often. Happily I ran into one I’m sure many of you already know about. For those of you on the late bus along with me, I recommend you click over to Sacramento Real Estate Blog. John Lockwood at times shows how to take transparency to new levels.

His post promoting his newsletter is inspired. I Take It All Back speaks for itself. His transparency in the post reviewing the past year was a story I’ve seen repeated over and over. Yet, John lets us inside his head as he roams back and forth, struggling to discover just what he really wants to do.

John is smarter than the average bear, and funnier than the average blogger. Take a look, you won’t regret it. The guy is worth your time, I promise. He’s also faster than I am. Imagine my surprise to find a post, in part about a simple comment I made on his site yesterday.

Seriously, take a look at this guy.