There’s always something to howl about.

Bing: Not indexing some and indexing others

Over the last week or so, I have had several people contact me regarding indexing problems with Bing. They claimed that Bing’s search engine has the following maladies:

1) New sites are OFTEN not indexed for weeks, where Google is picking them up in a MUCH more timely fashion. Yikes (kinda). This lack of indexing occurs even after many links have been pointed at the new site. Some have suggested going to Bing Webmaster Tools (Google that 😉 ) and submitting a sitemap, but that has not worked 100% for me either.

2) Existing sites that were NO FOLLOWED and NO INDEXED and were getting no exposure in Google, were showing up on Search Engine results in Bing. Yikes Yikes.

I had a few distractions this past week, but have found several examples of each of these things. Let’s start with No index, No followed sites being indexed in Bing.

This is a big thing. Many folks have “private” blogs or pages that are now less private or at least may be less private. The problem was acknowledged by a Microsoftie here and he claims that they are working on the problem.

My opinion on the other issue (Not indexing new sites) is simply this. It appears to me to be one of two things. Either it is a well designed plan on their part to focus their spidering on NEW pages on existing sites rather than on putting new domains into the index…or it is a glitch.

My opinion so far: Glitch 😉 This is, after all, Microsoft err Bing.

NOTE TO BING FOLKS: Love your interface. Spending $100MM in advertising to overpower Yahoo was a great move…BUT…if you are going to compete with G! you need to truly be as good as they are.

And while we are at it, you (Bing guys/gals) have not fixed the Atlanta Real Estate issue yet (Bing that). How many listings for the domain need to appear on the first 10 pages of your results? (grin)