Thereโ€™s always something to howl about.

Author: Eric Blackwell (page 4 of 8)

The Real Estate Group, Virginia Beach and Chesapeake VA

SEO Homework for BHB Unchained

OK, so I bet you were wondering what you needed to bring and what homework you needed to do before coming to the SEO portion of Bloodhound Blog Unchained.

Well, whether you are coming for the basics of SEO, or the more advanced stuff, the requirements are pretty similar:

PREREQUISITE: Please download the google basic search engine optimization guide. Read it. Study it. Be prepared to ask me questions about it. It is VERY basic and there is much to add, but Google did a GREAT job of explaining the barebones. (They were more tired than I was, if that’s possible, of the misinformation that is out there). I will assume at the start of our lecture and lab that you have already completed this.

1. Have Firefox loaded on your computer. No Internet Explorer. No Safari. No if’s, and’s or but’s, candy or nuts. (You can certainly have those browsers on your computer as well…but you won’t be using them with me.)

2. Have access to your analytics of your site. I don’t really care what kind of analytics you have, we just need to be able to look at them to help you improve. (Advanced class…we are gonna hit these HARD).

3. As well, please have the following numbers ready. #1) the # of deals that came DIRECTLY from your website / blog #2) The # of leads (define that how you will-don’t get hung up on it.) that you received from your site in the past year #3) The number of hours you spent this last year doing online marketing, blogging, social media, etc. (Yes, Virginia! I want you to put a NUMBER to it ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). (HINT: We are going to take ROI into account the Bawld Guy way..counting the skins.)

4. Please write down every question that you have ever had about Search Engine Marketing. Seriously. Write them all down over the next month as you think of them.

I am REALLY looking forward to learning and sharing in Phoenix. I have been waiting for months to get back into the same room with Brian Brady, Greg, Sean, Teri Read more

Seven Deadly SEO Sins for real estate pros…Vanity

Over next few weeks, I am going to post on several topics. An email a friend received this weekend was the perfect segue into something that I really wanted to point out.

Notice, please, that I am not jumping down Zillow’s throat for this blatant attempt at using people’s vanity to get them to take an action that they otherwise wouldn’t. That’s what marketers DO…online is no exception. SEO is no exception. Eric Bramlett included it in this post Linkbuilding basics. That’s an OLD post. Stroking egos is NOT a new marketing technique.

But this isn’t the first time I have warned people about widgets and badges either. Why do these guys still do it?

Hint: It works

Another reason is: Both my post and Bramlett’s are older posts so it bears repeating. Don’t link to local competitors or those who compete with you locally. Locally related high ranking sites linking to you are GOLDEN to an SEO effort. Google has no way of evaluating if those links are coming from a competitor or not. They don’t care.

For those who may be saying: “I don’t get it.” Here’s the linked e-mail above through an SEO’s eyes…

We like you. We’ve chosen you as a LOCAL EXPERT. (SEO eyes: You have a blog or site that has good standing in the search engines..we want a link…) Click here to get a badge (SEO eyes: link included) to put on your site PROCLAIMING how good WE think you are. (SEO eyes:Yet the message to the search engines is EXACTLY the is how good YOU think WE are–hehe–nicely done! My competitor is now linking to me!).

Therein lies the rub. And the lesson, IMO.

Vanity is a Deadly SEO sin. Building your online authority requires you to measure it the same way that the search engines do…by those who link TO you (deeds) and not by being caught up in the praise of flattering words (words).

Number1Expert – Again? R U Serious?

In May of last year, Eric Bramlett shined the light on an apparent link building scheme that Trulia and Number1Expert had **apparently** **allegedly** been doing, having 3 links to Trulia via a little map widget installed on thousands of unsuspecting REALTORS’ sites created by N1E… Here’s the post that started the fun.

I got the honor of creating the graphic for that post. (read: enjoyed it and would do it again) Despite our efforts to educate REALTORS, many / most of the links remained. Most REALTORS were too busy with their own lives to realize that N1E was using them to help the competition after charging the REALTOR to build their web presence.

Fast forward to this morning. Now it’s my buddy Jon Karlen’s (insert hat tip) turn with the flashlight. He sends me an email, noting that a Florida REALTOR’s site now has a map widget instead of Trulia. I do a little digging using the same technique that Eric Bramlett used… and VIOLA!, it appears to me that they have done this to many of the same Number1Expertsites…again. Yes it ( is a sister company of N1E. (Dominion…appropriate parent company name, methinks) Yes, they only have 1 link. The rest is the same,no?. Am I missing something here? If you are a N1E customer, you are **likely** **apparently** feeding your competitors…yet again.

(Inlookers: Yes, this is the same Trulia who insisted that they made no changes after dropping in the search engines…and they magically reappeared) TO BE CLEAR: I am NOT saying that this is cause and effect, but the timing? Interesting coincidence. My target here is Number1Expert, but no matter. I could have sworn that Trulia widgets were on those sites up until recently…(I will check).

Note to Number1Expert customers:
Yet again, link love from your site is apparently being used to feed your competitors. The first time “could” have been an accident….now? Ummm…OK…maybe it is an accident too.Your call. I am just here to point out where the links are going…not to draw conclusions as to WHY.

Owning your own web presence also means defending your self against Read more

Things not to do…

At Unchained this spring, we are going to cover a lot of what TO DO when it comes to making your web presence as a REALTOR search engine friendly. That is going to be fun and I am looking forward to it.

But lately I am seeing more and more BAD advice and examples go out to REALTORS and I figured it was time to post a couple of things NOT to do.

Google has made it clear that link exchange schemes (aka reciprocal linking schemes) are a no-no. Search engines use links as a method of gauging a site’s (or post’s) popularity and relevance. Yet if you Google real estate link exchange and look in the pay per click section, what do you see?

Several REALTOR sites openly asking for exchanges. Paying to get people to look at their link exchange directories. Good grief. And one of them ranks #1 for a major city’s real estate terms! Geez…If someone comes to you and says “This is how to do it.” Run, don’t walk. You are getting some insanely bad advice.

Sad part is…the REALTOR may not even know how bad this is.

Should there be ANY PPC ads from people asking for reciprocal link exchanges? I don’t think so.

Other bad examples…Google came out and said clearly that buying links was a no-no. The thing is, how can you tell whether a link is paid or not? It is difficult to tell. The best advice is to make sure that whoever is linking to you looks natural because they ARE.

Since I was looking at Trulia’s pages yesterday, here’s a page that may or may not be paid. Do I know? Nope. But the thing is, it LOOKS like a paid link because why would a REALTOR in Columbus IN put the exact links to the “most Popular” city real estate pages on Trulia. And these same links are on many pages of that site.

Here’s some more info from Eric Bramlett on Trulia and some of the things going on there. (He’s done a great job of breaking it down and making it understandable for Read more

Trulia hacked, Meh..WordPress security again

I started talking about WordPress security after my blog was hacked. It was not much fun admitting that it was, and it wasn’t fun cleaning it up. But it was a good opportunity to help everyone by letting them know what was up.

Like Microsoft, WordPress’s popularity leads to a lot of people wanting to use it. A lot of people using it leads to a lot of other people wanting to abuse the people who use it.

Many started speculating that Trulia got penalized by Google. I can understand why that might be a popular notion given some of their practices from the past, but in this case, one of the Dawgs uncovered the apparerent problem. HT to Eric Bramlett for the find.

As Eric correctly pointed out when we started talking about WordPress security back in the day, the best thing to do is set a Google Alert, for +viagra (or +cialis and several other terms commonly used by these hackers).

If someone has hacked your WP blog and inserted links to poker, porn and pharmaceuticals, you will then know it and can find the problem and take action by filing a reinclusion request.

As Eric Bramlett points out, the team at Trulia should have this corrected shortly. (at least that’s how it typically works). This will be a pain for them, but a good opportunity to remind us all to stay secure out there.

Active Rain + Trulia = ?

Before everyone goes off on me here, let me state CLEARLY that I have no confirmed knowledge of the two joining forces. No marriage license, no paparazzi photo of one proposing to the other. No formal announcement arriving in the mail. So is there a wedding? Shacking up?

Who knows…only the two people involved.

I have no “scoop” here…but enquiring minds want to know. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jon Karlen reported some interesting happenings here. That was a while ago. So AR is looking to pick up MLS feeds.

Then a thread popped up a couple of days ago at Real Estate Webmasters here.

Read the links in there on Active Rain as well. You will see what’s making people think that at a BARE minimum, there’s some reason to believe that something is going on.

From my vantage point, I can see benefits to both entities if they were to tie the knot, shack up, or form some kind of alliance, either publicly or just a backseat (so to speak) sort of thing. From their point of view it would be great. They are certainly each primping themselves for the date described in the REW post.

From a REALTORS vantage point, and from those who have written content for months and years on AR or Trulia, would this be a good thing? My guess is the REALTOR community would say a resounding NO. From an Search Engine perspective, I’d agree. Big time.

Two questions. To AR & T execs: Are you in talks? To REALTORS: Does it matter to you?

I have far more questions than answers, and I think it will be interesting to see it play out…

More (if) as this develops.

Bloggers. Transparency. Stimulus. and Laxatives.

First off, the following blog post is NOT political. PLEASE do not try to turn it political. (If you do, you will be 301 (read: permanently) redirected to the fact that this is NOT political.)

It IS about bloggers trying to improve the world around them by shining light on a political process and making politicians more answerable to their constituents and less answerable simply to the power brokers inside the beltway. It is about my opinion that as long as there are bloggers who care enough to invest the time, they will have influence and authority.

In response to the House of Representatives’ proposal to spend $850 Billion on another stimulus package, a blogger (and a great new media consultant) who founded launched a new blog. What does it do?

Glad you asked. Here’s what it does. It takes the PDF documents of the draft spending bills that the government is known for spitting out and it converts them to searchable text and provides a search engine for folks (including the press, if they care to), to search terms and find how much of the bill is stimulative to the economy, how much is stimulative to certain lobbyists vs what is well just laxative so to speak.

Want to know if there is a bridge to nowhere in there? or funds for the mating habits of the iguana? Don’t think that will stimulate the economy? You can now find it within seconds.

I applaud the efforts of these bloggers to get the 335 pages out there, indexed and in a searchable form for the public so that folks on both sides of the political spectrum can debate it openly. (Note: they are going to post the various other proposed bills as well.)

Anyone want to make a bet with me as to how many of the politicians (from either side…again this is not political) have actually READ and UNDERSTOOD the implications of these 335 pages. If there were 10 of them in the whole House of Representatives who had personally read it cover to cover, it would surprise me.

One of the Read more

Blog makeovers with traffic source in mind.

I have been really enjoying Stephanie’s latest two posts. One’s here. The other here. I also cannot help but notice that a lot of people are getting into updating their blogs and changing how they are presenting themselves to the world. I could not be more thrilled.

We are doing many of the same things in our Louisville blogging group. (Think of it as our own little scenius.) Making wholesale overhauls of our blogs (in my estimation) is part of all of our 2009 marketing efforts. I just want to share some of the things we are finding as we downshift and shove our collective right feet into the carburetor for 2009.

When we plan a blog, we begin with the traffic source in mind. (huh?) In other words we start with a clear idea of whether the blog will attract people via SEO, Paid Search (PPC), Word of Mouth, HomeGain, Social Media or what. All of these are LEGITIMATE sources of traffic. ALL of them can be highly profitable. All can connect you to clients if they are prepared properly. And each will have their own likely entry point into your blog.

Does it make a difference how you lay out a blog which traffic source you are going to use? In my opinion, yes.

At Unchained in Orlando, Kelley Koehler gave a great example of setting up specific landing pages for Paid Search. One of the great benefits of PPC and services like Home Gain’s BuyerLink program is that you can choose which page to send the traffic you are BUYING to. (Meaning that if you create landing pages appropriately, you will increase conversion…).

SEO will mostly send folks to your home page and to the posts of your blog. Why because that is where most people will link to you. Also with word of mouth. BUT, posts also get a lot of rankings attention in search. By thinking these things out and designing your blog correctly you can drastically improve your blogging results. You can send the right folks to the right page. You can also have a call to Read more

Content is King: How do you crown yours?

I was quietly writing on a different post this morning when an email or two from my buddy Cal Carter kicked me in the butt and made me switch gears.

One of the first principles of internet marketing (and marketing in general) is that you follow the eyeballs. Preferably the RELEVANT (targeted) eyeballs of those who are mostly likely to use you product or influence those who will. Wherever they are find them. Target them. Starting with the highest ROI and working down the list until you have all of the business you can handle.

Why do we optimize for Google vs Yahoo or MSN?
More relevant eyeballs to be had at the least cost. Simple as that.

Why do we use facebook?
Brian Brady showed us in Orlando that you can HIGHLY target niche eyeballs using it. And those coming to Unchained in Phoenix will hear MUCH more about that I am sure.

Would it surprise you if I told you that for the last month or two, over 30% of the traffic to EricOnSearch has come directly from Twitter? (true story…).

That’s what I get for listening to Teri (thanks Teri!!) and finally trying to make solid business use of Twitter! 2 new customers, and much more traffic every day. (Hint: What’s your Tweet / Follower ratio?) That’s the key metric in terms of ROI in my world.

(side note: Do you have the authority (read: credibility) to send 100 people to your blog simply by letting them know that you posted? Here is the BEST question…when they visit, are they impressed enough to link to it? Maybe even to syndicate it?)

Pat Kitano and friends are promoting Social Media conscious marketing as “online marketing without blogging”. Of all of the things I think Pat gets right, this is a point I (humbly) disagree with. Blog is NOT a 4 letter word (contrary to popular belief).

LAZY is. (I don’t wanna blog is too often code for I don’t wanna put effort in. Time to face that truth and call it what it is.) Own that.

I totally agree with him that a Read more

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men…

One of the things you may not know about me is that I have two passions that most of my online friends do not see. I love to cook. I also love to sing (in a choir, where my mediocrity has a hiding place-grin). I particularly get a thrill out of Christmas carols. They are important markers of time and immovable objects for me in a life that changes at a frenetic pace.

My favorite Christmas carol? I heard the bells on Christmas day. Yet it was only yesterday that I took the time to learn the backstory behind Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, it’s lyricist. Here’s a version of it from The Carpenters on YouTube.

I recommend a quick overview of his life here. I admire the man.

Much of the best writing in life comes from the dark place that is tragedy. What was going on in Longfellow’s life as penned the words “For hate is strong and mocks the song, of peace on earth, goodwill to men.”? The war between the states. His own son was severely injured in the war and would be maimed for the rest of his life. What else was going on? He was grieving the loss of his beloved wife in a tragic fire that took her life and, (in his efforts to save her), burned him severely. The beard that Longfellow is known for reportedly came from the fact that he could no longer shave due to those burns. This happened in 1861.

The loneliness and darkness of the death of his wife along with the despair of the war were the backdrop for the poem that later became the carol. From those dark Civil War days of sadness and loss, came the beautiful words: “Til ringing, singing on it’s way the world revolved from night to day.” “The wrong shall fail, the right prevail…with peace on earth, goodwill to men.”

Since we are REALLY good at procrastinating sending cards… From the real TeamEric to each of you:

We wish you “Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men.” Merry Christmas. And here’s to a successful 2009 for Read more

It’sย not the singer nor the song. It’s the audience.

One of the most amazing things about scenius scenes is that they change your outlook. Often permanently. After enjoying two of these experiences lately, one at Swallow Hill at BHB Orlando and one Thanksgiving morning via email (more on that one in a later post), I was thinking over some (of the many) things that I learned from Sean Purcell and Brian Brady. These guys have well developed sales skills where I am a technology guy who likes to teach, but needs to sell.

While I was ruminating on some of their wisdom, up popped this post from Thomas Hall. I asked myself: Do you know REALTORS like this in your office? Of course. We all do, I think.

Do you know people who are making money using Facebook and other social media? You need to spend a little time with Brian Brady. Seriously. Beg. Borrow. Steal. Do what it takes to pick this guy’s brain. As intrigued as I was to listen to him as we talked ABOUT what he does, what fascinated me was watching him DO it, while Sean called out the play by play. And the ideas flowed in bunches. It was seriously cool stuff.

I mean it. Whatever it takes to watch him do what he does. That hour you grab with him at BHB Unchained in 2009 may well MAKE 2009. Here’s a little insight that I just gained…weeks after the scenius…that finally soaked through this thick skull of mine.

I was with Brian as he met people in person. and connected with his audience.
I listened while he worked on the phone from the house at Swallow Hill. and connected with his audience.
I spoke with him in front of an audience. And he connected.
I watched him work Facebook, Active Rain and other social media platforms.and he connected with his audience.
I watched him connect with Bloggers. again his audience.
I read his post “Pick up the damn phone!” again, connecting with his audience.
And I have watched many successful REALTORS do exactly what Thomas Hall describes. These people are EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE at building their sphere by networking to where folks Read more

One for the Authors…

One of the things I am most thankful for this Thanksgiving are the people who code, write, and give form to the internet. I am a huge defender of intellectual property rights as well as compensating those with links who author, post, and code on sites around the web.

I am honored to be able to write here and be one of the dawgs. I still feel intimidated by some of the great folks I get to write with here. I am well compensated for my efforts both with an audience and a place on the right hand of Odysseus’s blog with a link. With that in mind, please know that what I am about to say is out of respect for your generosity, Greg.

I am not a nameless faceless content generator. I am an author. I could not ask for more freedom and respect than Greg offers to us. Thank you, sir.

I am seeing three trends that are violating my respect of authors and creators in the real estate space and I want to get them off of my chest. Thanks for your patience while I do.

Ugly Trend #1: De-emphasizing of Authors on Group Blogs.

If you author a post on a blog that I have anything to say about, you will receive credit and links for your efforts. Simple as that. The current trend of consciously shifting the focus onto the domain and away from authors is offensive to me. Enough said. I got upset when Trulia no followed links to sites that gave them content (err..listings) and said something. Taking author links away from those who write is no different than no following them and I feel the need to be consistent. Good enough to hire, not good enough to marry? No thanks.

Ugly Trend #2: Content Stealing via RSS Feed

My buddy Kevin Koitz just guest posted on my Search blog about WordPressDirect and the increased ease of splog creation and the fact that it takes authenticity away from a blog / site. My antidote on WP blogs? This plugin or the one that is in Cheryl’s Read more – Finally a bailout that interests me… ;-)

I am not a fan of the recent bailouts. (Too many reasons…Let’s don’t go there.)

But Russell Shaw put forth a bailout plan that has intrigued me. You see…the stock market being low has its advantages. Now’s the time to buy back, NAR. You should be able to get it for a song.

Additional note: Some person named Torb had the audacity to comment on Russell’s post saying that we did not know about how much it costs to pay the engineers who design the site, write the software, blah blah blah…

Well, thanks to the miracle of public companies, the SEC and enquiring minds that want to know…YES WE DO. (grin) According to Move, Inc.’s 10K report for 2007 (dated February 29, 2008), it was $34,656,000 …give or take. And that was for MORE than That included,, and TopProducer (a sister company under the Move Inc. umbrella). So that means (in English) that was only a FRACTION of that. Since I only have access to the consolidated financials, that is as far as I can break it down.

If I said that was 50% of the engineers would I be too far off? I don’t think so. Let’s just make it an even $20 mil for grins. (It is less IMO, but I am in a generous mood.)

OK, Torb..but those engineers have to be supervised, right? OK, general and administrative expenses were almost $81 million compared to that +/- $35 million. And hang onto your hat…on the same financials, Sales and Marketing Expenses were $108,633,000. Much of those sales and marketing dollars were directed towards marketing AT REALTORS…that’s a LOT more than the guys coding the sites got! Did y’all really need THAT much supervision and sales??

If we did a bailout, wouldn’t much of that be SAVED? (Methinks..YES!)

Torb? If you are looking close I will help you with some other accounting fun…you ready? How many REALTORS are there in NAR? Well, let’s just say that we suffer big losses in our industry and go back to the scary number of 1 MILLION.

And then let’s go back Read more features FSBO listings- The Excrement hits the Oscillating Rotary Blades

Hat Tip to Jay Thompson

OK, here’s the Press Release

UPDATE: According to Mr. Brunner CEO of Virginia Association of REALTORS, he has talked with the general counsel of NAR and there is NO relationship between and Ms Janick apparently as well told him that there are NO unlisted properties on

I want to make sure that we provide accurate information (which has been difficult in this case).

With that in mind and IF that is true then much of this post is now irrelevant.

We still have no official word from saying that this press release was not accurate. (Would have made getting the truth out much easier.)

I am literally too P.O.’d for words. I have long considered an enemy to the REALTOR. But this is a bridge too far. Whoever did this at HAD to know what they were doing (IMO).

For them to allow FSBO’s onto WITHOUT being on the local MLS shows CLEARLY who these @##%#$%’s are. They are no different than any other interloper.

My message to the folks at NAR on this one is short and sweet:

“You’d better come down HARD and FAST on this one… or this will make Bastille Day look like a picnic. And you know what? That might not be a bad thing.”


Basic SEO: How to Choose a Domain Name

Lately I seem to be getting this question a lot. At BHB Unchained it was asked of me several times. Finally, a good friend asked me today: I am looking getting a site and choosing a domain name and I KNOW I need to get one full of keywords.

“How about”

My response?
“How about”

I mean, if you are gonna get (what we call at EricOnSearch) a marketing turd, why not go all the way? (grin) ( I know, I am being absurd…but hopefully this helps illustrate the point.) I think THAT one is available.

I made the statement at Unchained. From an SEO perspective, QUIT trying to keyword stuff domain names, thinking that you’ve just helped yourself in a hugely meaningful way to get great rankings. I said it. I meant it.

If there is ANY benefit, it is small (there are exceptions to this, which I will explain.) and it is MORE than offset by the marketing damage that you are doing by SOLELY looking at your domain name through SEO eyes. Notice I am NOT saying there is NO benefit. I AM saying simply that it isn’t worth it.

Do yourself a favor and use marketing eyes and not SEO eyes alone when buying domain names.

Now before people start throwing tomatoes, please allow me to explain in detail:

Search engines are smart.

Depending on how you break them down, there are hundreds of variables that make up a typical search engine’s algorithm. The name of the domain is only ONE (1) of those. So even if ALL of the possible variables carried the same weight, it would still NOT be a big deal.

Google (and other search engines) evaluate apply different weights to these characteristics to determine where your site will rank. They KNOW which of these characteristics are easily spammed. They know which ones are NATURALLY self correcting.

A Title Tag is somewhat self correcting in that it forms the TITLE that you see in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages). Characteristics that affect how text looks on the screen are also likely to be self correcting since it makes Read more