There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “seattle” (page 3 of 15)

We found 219 results for your search.

Overnight News: Evil is simply the weeds that shoot up where goodness goes uncultivated.

“Serious question: Is every big-shot who hates Trump a pedophile?”I will give you a way of understanding good and evil that should make things easier to understand, if not to abide. Like this: When you are confronted with inexplicably evil conduct, entertain this thought: “How tragic it is that there is no one in your […]

Overnight News: First the rich tricked the middle class into funding their security – then they sided with the crooks against them.

“Who will guard the guardians? Take my word for it: It won’t be the police dogs.”The idea of a “police force” is ancient. Rich people needed security, but poor people had nothing to secure. The middle class needed what it couldn’t pay for, and the rich, as always, wanted someone else to pay its way. Enter […]

Overnight News: Tinpot tyranny and the HOA pressure valve: Government will tend to be both non-confrontational and self-correcting where people are free to escape.

“A buddy of mine found a dead coyote in the desert. She rolled all around in the carcass, to capture the scent. She still smelled better than New York.”Here’s something that happens all the time: An HOA gets high-handed, so people start selling to get out from under it, pulling resale prices down. To stanch the […]

Overnight News: If America had a rioting contest, everyone would lose. But: Still: Which side would win?

“Before you ‘let slip the dogs of war’ – remember this: The dogs are doing it for fun and praise. That plus sleeping is all dogs are ever doing.”On January 6th, America’s having a house party – or something like that. I don’t have a link to share yet, but the President has invited his supporters to […]

Overnight News: “If it be now, ’tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now. If it be not now, yet it will come – the readiness is all.”

“You can’t cause dinner, but you can hurry it.”We’re all just waiting for the hammer to drop. My bets are tomorrow or Christmas Eve. What if there is no hammer? God help us all. Christmas Brutality: A father for Christmas. In snowscapes less slushy: Housing Wire: Fed will keep interest rates low until economy recovers. CNBC: […]

Overnight News: ‘And all they will call you will be… diasporatees…’

“Living on the run? Home is where your pack is.”In the rectangle described by the SR-303 and SR-202 freeways – in other words, all of Metropolitan Phoenix, the entire Valley of the Ever-Fecund Sun, from BFE to shimmering BFE – how many single-family-detached homes are Actively for sale for $200,000 or less? Zero. Call it an […]

Overnight News: Hey, Redfin: Is it really “Catch a Falling Knife” if you’re redlining drastically to stave off exsanguination?

“Real estate is about kids and dogs. Can’t walk a dog is there’s broken glass everywhere.”Want me to tell you the secret to being right most of the time? Bet the odds. What will happen is what has happened. Not always, but most of the time. Hard lesson to learn – particularly when you have […]

Overnight News: Is it Shoedrop Tuesday? Will the Supreme Court whitewash China’s conquest of the American electoral system?

“I wish AOC would boycott something, you know, beefier…”The actually-dispositive election fraud case may have been filed last night. Today or tomorrow may yet compete for Peak 2020. Think of this: We could have big news now and still bigger news later in the month… CNBC: Redfin CEO says the booming Covid housing market can get […]

Overnight News: “Smoking gun? What smoking gun? Pay no attention to the evidence of your senses.”

“I stole a ham once – fresh out of the oven. I wrote a poem about it: ‘Burnt my mouth. Burnt my tummy. Don’t give a damn: Ham is yummy.’”During the O.J. debacle, it became obvious that Americans have become so well versed in anti-logic that they do not understand what evidence is. “Every crime is […]

Overnight News: Wanted: Real estate reporter who can tell the truth about riot-wracked residential markets.

“If I’m welcome on the sofa, the sofa has been moved to the front porch.”Here’s a true fact of reality: If people moving from riot-ravaged cities have soaked up all the vacancy in suburbs near and far, that implies there is a huge amount of languishing vacancy back in those boarded-up burgs. Vacancy means spiraling price […]

Overnight News: The DOJ’s piddlyshit NAR “settlement” in brief: Discounting Realty.bots can screw Buyer’s Agents, but they can’t notice and respond accordingly.

“Why do waiters serve the big tippers so much better?”Every Buyer’s Agent knows how to kill a house. You walk into a pantry or a bathroom and you say, “Whoa! Do you smell that? A mustiness…? Maybe I’m wrong…” That house is now at the bottom of the stack. I’ve never done that belligerently – to […]

Overnight News: Jeffrey Epstein’s estate sues China’s joke to regain meme-supremacy.

“Yesterday I met a Bassett Hound who insists he is a Bloodhound-Elect.”How do you know the election was stolen? Everybody knows. The whole world knows. The Chinese are selling hoodies featuring the image of China Joe’s improbable leapfrogging in votes. Here, I fear, is the last remaining form of the Jeffrey Epstein joke: Q: What’s […]

Overnight News: Hey, Redfin: What happens when you tell everyone you’re racist – and they believe you?

“Redfin? Now that’s good eatin’!”Here’s the deal: If disparate impact is automatically racism, Asian and Jewish people should be suing pro-athletics. That’s what Glenn Kelman needs to say to swat the race pirates away. Financial hurdles seek to qualify Ants and disqualify Grasshoppers. This has nothing to do with race, but every financial hurdle will […]