There’s always something to howl about.

Search Results: “seattle” (page 2 of 15)

We found 219 results for your search.

Overnight News: “Irish Democracy” is coming to the U.S.A.

“Dogs like to work for their dinner. Cats, not so much. That says it all, doesn’t it?”“One need not have an actual conspiracy to achieve the practical effects of a conspiracy. More regimes have been brought, piecemeal, to their knees by what was once called “Irish Democracy” – the silent, dogged resistance, withdrawal, and truculence of […]

Overnight News: Well, masks and the diagnostic test don’t work, but at least the vaccines don’t work, either.

“No kennel, no kennel-cough. How hard is that?”Among American religionists, the most vaccine-resistant turn out to be the atheists. I don’t like most atheists – too often Ci pedantic assholes – but this is an outcome easy to foresee: People habituated to making critical distinctions are not going to be early-adopters on anything. Festina lente all […]

Overnight News: If you’re looking for reliable returns, the thing to invest in is… tangible.

“The difference between Dogecoin and dog biscuits? Fool around and find out…”I have been teasing friends about the vicissitudes of Bitcoin – how 12x last Friday can turn into 7x by today, and how people who talk about x-ing their “investments” are most often degenerate gamblers, losing slowly and lying about it. I’m not nobody’s investment […]

Overnight News: Single-family home buyers are coming from somewhere. What’s going on with the housing they fled?

“Now you understand why dogs eat so fast, don’t you?”In 2006, we sold bedrooms without beds: Acres and acres of homes with no ready residents. Totally a cargo cult, of course: Houses are valuable even with no one to occupy them. But for a while you could flip a new build at COE for $50k more […]

Overnight News: If buyers will waive anything, why not representation itself?

“Two masters? Or two schnooks?”I’m doing CE just now – a month early, because I’m about to get hit with houses and I can’t be late. So: Dual agency is bad, m’kay? Steady source of lawsuits, including class-action suits. But it’s lawful, as regulated, so that’s what’s taught: Written consent of both parties when limited […]

Overnight News: If we get lucky, it will turn out that the virus was a terrible pretext for tyranny.

“Getting dogs to start barking is easy. It’s getting them to stop that’s the challenge.”The workers of the world never would unite, but they put the lie to the stories of their exploitation by getting very, very fat. That’s what gave birth to environmentalism: Free markets are clearly much better for people than “compassionate” slavery, […]

Overnight News: Unless your objective is killing people, government is not the answer.

“Sharing within the pack? But of course. Outside the pack? Get bent!”If you sniff at a glass of tap-water, chances are you’ll nose out the scent of chlorine. Your local municipality chlorinates your water supply because they know it’s not safe. They’re hoping that introducing toxins into the water supply will kill all the stuff still […]

Overnight News: If all the people who insist that ‘humanity is the problem’ would stop being the problem… that’d be great…

“Who can say the words ‘synthetic meat’ and not hear ‘dog food’?”Bill Gates says he’ll fly a lot less and eat more synthetic meat to fight climate change. And that, most assuredly, is totally not bullshit. However: If the point of living is to save the planet from himself, he could do so much better. For […]

Overnight News: Sy Simms: “An educated consumer is our best customer.” Zillow: “Yeah… Not so much.”

“To understand ‘informed discretion,’ consider all the things your dog has devoured that he shouldn’t have.”If you sell your home to an iBuyer, you will net around 94% of the offered price, after the accumulated impacts of the fine print you did not read are deducted. If you list your home for sale with me or […]