There’s always something to howl about.

Overnight News: Well, masks and the diagnostic test don’t work, but at least the vaccines don’t work, either.

Ya think it's easy?

“No kennel, no kennel-cough. How hard is that?”

Among American religionists, the most vaccine-resistant turn out to be the atheists. I don’t like most atheists – too often Ci pedantic assholes – but this is an outcome easy to foresee: People habituated to making critical distinctions are not going to be early-adopters on anything. Festina lente all damn day, but contemplation won’t be rushed.

But letting the other guy make the early mistakes is never a bad strategy. Almost nothing new works as planned, and every sort of launch is understood as a shake-out – an opportunity to inflict all the undetected design flaws on unsuspecting dupes.

My attitude, always: I can wait. And I am always happiest when I keep my own counsel.

If you didn’t know paper masks are a joke, your sense of smell was already gone. If you didn’t know the diagnostic testing was juiced to get Trump, you have not been paying attention. And if you thought “MUST-RUSH-NOW!” and universal vaccination were ideas that would go good together, then yesterday must have been the joyous day of your birth.

If Democrats were smart – if dogs could talk – they’d already be smearing Trump with the vaccines. Their failure is imminent and obvious – and part of the plan?; lockdown-lust is also imminent and obvious – so somebody’s going to have to be the fallguy.

Meanwhile: Look out for your own. The way to avoid getting viral infections is to stay away from sick people and to be healthy enough to repel any virii you didn’t avoid. Even if they worked, the vaccines would simply relicense the bad choices that are actually killing people.

In other news:

CNBC: Mortgage rates just dropped to a six-month low, and refinances shoot higher.

Housing Wire: Foreign buyers are avoiding American homes: NAR.

Fox News: Seattle mayor calls for more police after six shootings in one weekend.

Victoria Taft: The People Who Brought You CHAZ Get Their WA State Police Reform Wishes Granted and They’re a Hot Mess.

The Daily Wire: Thanks To Inflation, American Wages Drop By Nearly 2%.

Josh Hammer: How to Interpret Section 230?