Ya think it's easy?

“Whistling is random. Anyone can whistle. One-two-three-four-five spanks is when I come running.”

Linking to a ZeroHedge article on governors in rebellion against the CDC, I issued this bit of snark:

“Yo, #Redfin, now would be the time to watch for ‘pandemic’-caused relocation – rather than the riot-flight afoot over the past year. Same destinations, but without the corollary gun sales.”

As always, I am apparently the only person in real estate publishing who can say out loud that the real estate surge that followed the inglorious death of George Floyd was caused by the riots that also followed the inglorious death of George Floyd. This is completely obvious, is easily demonstrated in Redfin’s own charts and is corroborated by a corresponding surge in firearms sales. Ignoring reality is a full time job, apparently, but I’m guessing it pays well.

Even so, I think the governors are trafficking in proxy signals: What “We are CDC rebels” really means is: “We are Ant-friendly in every way – especially schools.”

That would be actual dog-whistling, albeit not the kind we’re always warned about: Red-state governors are advertising for freedom-seeking Ants to relocate to their states – not to escape risible mask rules but to escape the color revolution in Grasshopper-led cities.

In other news:

Housing Wire: Mortgage rates creep up slightly to 2.80%.

Matt Welch: CDC Sentences Kids to Another School Year of Irrational Masking.

Katie Pavlich: We’ve Discovered the Real Reason the CDC Is Requiring All Kids Wear Masks in Schools.

Kay Hymowitz: Dr. Biden’s Lesson: Runaway degree inflation reinforces the class divide.